Carnegie Hall NYC Trip

Carnegie Hall NYC Trip

Thursday, December 6, 2012

CTSWS Festival Members....

Jan. 26th, you'll be practicing all day with other 4th-8th graders from the Tulsa region.  Dan Wootton, a personal friend of mine, will be conducting the choir and working with you all day.  You'll love him!  He's one of the finest musicians I know and he's so fun to be inspired by.  I'm so glad that you'll be a part of this great day.
Be sure to listen to your recording (I made you a CD).  Here's the list of kids and their parts:

Elsah James, Soprano
Sarah Synar, Soprano

Kaelyn Case, Soprano

Emily Grace Moore, Soprano & 3 pt. M
Andrew Krueger, Soprano & 3 pt. Middle
Sadie Loller, Alto & 3 pt. Middle
Jonathan Atkinson, Alto & 3 pt. Middle
Abie Koch, Alto

Emily King, Alto

Emily Milton, Alto

ACDA Middle School Choir

Here's the link that you'll need to listen to as you prepare to learn your music.  The packet of music should be arriving soon.

Here's some links you may enjoy without the BLARING CLARINET on your part.

You will only be singing the last song of the Five Spirituals by Michael Tippett.
It's Deep River and here's a link for listening:

From Suite de Lorca....

The Boy Who Picked Up His Feet to Fly

A Vivid Riddle
Since this song was written for this choir, it's NEVER been performed before.  Therefore, there's not recording for listening.  However, it may be helpful to see the lyrics written down.

This music is QUITE CHALLENGING, but I know that Mrs. LeDoux will help you navigate through the songs.  Be sure to attend each and every MSHC rehearsal on Thursday mornings.  Also, as March gets closer, we'll need to begin to practice a little extra.
Congratulations on being accepted ---
Alto II        Lexi Lake

Tenor I        Jack Grossman
                  MacLeod Lawson
                  Joel Swisher

Tenor II    Johnny LaFortune
                Dakota Christian

ACDA Community Youth/Boychoir

The music should be arriving very soon, but until then, please go to this link to listen to your ACDA Community Youth/Boychoir music
We will be working on these songs also during our MSHC rehearsals every Thursday morning, but as you already know, we'll need to work even more as March draws near.  Until then, happy listening!  AND CONGRATULATIONS!  

Sop I        Sarah Thomas
                Sierra Isaacson
                Kaelyn Case
                Alec Cooper

Sop II        Breanna Lewis
                 Emily Milton

Alto I        Charlotte Bumgarner
Alto II        Emily King
                Abie Jo Koch
                Elle Mullendore


Welcome to our new choir members!  We're so glad that you are joining us.

Here's some links to the music that we'll be learning this year:

ACDA National Honor Choir music / Treble:
Ain’a That Good News  -  Dawson

Ching a Ring Chaw

Come Let’s Be Merry

This Little Light
Ubi Caritaas - this Latin piece will be in the treble children's arrangement, but heard here is a University Choir - but it's so beautiful!

What a Wonderful World

These are the songs for the CTSWS festival on Jan. 26 that 10 of our students are participating in:
Ej, Lasko, Lasko

Shady Grove
we actually already know this song really well!

I See the Moon

Walk in Jerusalem

The Adventures of Isabel:
Isabel & and the Doctor

Isabel & the Bear

Ma come bali bene bela bimba


Sunday, November 25, 2012


I'm so proud of all of you guys!  You really stepped up to the plate in the performance, and did a splendid job!  I know that you realize what a special opportunity this was for you.  I hope that you'll never forget it!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Carnegie Schedule with specific locations:

All Rehearsals will be at the Grand Hyatt New York Hotel
42nd Street between Park & Lexington Avenues
(at Grand Central Station)  212-883-1234

Wednesday, November 21
  • Ballroom I (press elevator button "B")
  • 2:00 - 5:30 PM
Thursday, November 22
  • Manhattan Ballroom
  • 3:30 - 6:30 PM
Friday, November 23
  • Manhattan Ballroom
  • 9:00 - 12:00  AM
DRESS REHEARSAL (Carnegie Hall Stage)
  • 2:00 - 5:00 PM
  • (actual start and finish time will be adjusted) 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Bag of Awesomeness to be post-poned

Well folks, we're here....on the edge of a wonderful concert week!  We've worked hard and now it's time to enjoy our BAG OF AWESOMENESS!  However, we're going to reveal the winners at our rehearsal Dec. 6.  I know you can hardly wait to see who wins...but I'll bring the bag so you can get a peek into this amazing AWESOMENESS!

Friday, November 2, 2012


We're thrilled to announce the members of the Middle School Honor choir that were accepted into the 2013 ACDA National Honor Choirs in Dallas, TX.  They are:
Community Youth/ Boychoir
Sop I  Sarah Thomas
          Sierra Isaacson
          Kaelyn Case
          Alec Cooper
Sop II Breanna Lewis
          Emily Milton
Alto I  Charlotte Bumgarner
Alto II Emily King
           Abie Jo Koch
           Elle Mullendore

Middle School/ Junior High
Alto II  Lexi Lake
Tenor I  Jack Grossman
             MacLeod Lawson
             Joel Swisher
Tenor II Johnny LaFortune
              John Connor
              Dakota Christian

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

TIME-LINE TO November Concerts!

 **Check to see if performance attire fits properly – get fitted**

Oct. 26 3:30-4:45  Extra Rehearsal (location Holland Hall
WAC choir room)  MSHC only

Choose between these two evenings and let me know which rehearsal they will attend:
Nov. 5   7:00 – 8:15 p.m.(Boston Ave. Methodist Church)
with Tulsa Oratorio Chorus
Nov. 12   7:00 – 8:15 p.m.  (First Baptist Church)
With Tulsa Oratorio Chorus

Mandatory Nov. 6    4:30-5:30 p.m. (location Asbury Methodist)
With Tulsa Children’s Chorus – Children Voices only

Mandatory Nov. 16     6:30-9:30 p.m. Final Rehearsal
(location First Baptist Church)
Both Tulsa Oratorio Chorus & Tulsa Children’s Chorus

CONCERT in TULSA Nov. 17 7:00 p.m. Call time
(location First Baptist downtown)
7:30 p.m. Performance

Locations of Rehearsals!!
·      Boston Avenue, 1301 S. Boston, enter north door, handicap door just to the left of big outdoor stairs,  proceed straight to large rehearsal hall on the right.
·      First Baptist Church.  Park on Detroit, east side of the street across from the entrance to First Baptist Church- enter at drive-thru entrance on east side of church- follow directions to rehearsal place, which is the Sanctuary
·      Asbury Rehearsal Room, go to the east side of the building and see entrance to the music offices.  Directly in front of you, you will see stairs.  Go upstairs and make a U-turn and the rooms are down that hallway.  Students will meet in the Choir Room (2704-2707) and families can wait at room 2500.
For those in the MSHC participating in the concert in NYC...
Carnegie Hall Rehearsal Schedule 
Quoted from the top conductor Dr. Tim Sharp:
“The Carnegie rehearsals are etched in stone.  Singers who come late, or leave early, or do not make a rehearsal will be removed from performance- No exceptions.  Sorry to sound so tough, but better to not learn the hard way after all this hard work!”
Wednesday, Nov 21  
 2:00-5:30 p.m. Grand Hyatt in Ballroom I, accessed by pressing “B” on the elevators.
Thursday, Nov 22  
3:30-6:30 p.m. Grand  Hyatt the Manhattan Ballroom
Friday, Nov 23  
9-12 p.m.  Grand Hyatt the Manhattan Ballroom
SPECIFIC Information to be given while in NYC
2-5 p.m. dress rehearsal on Carnegie stage (actual times may be adjusted)
7:00 p.m. Prelude Concert (City of Angels Community Chorus) 
8:00 p.m. Concert
10:00 p.m.  Buses depart for Pier
10:30 p.m.  Board Spirit Cruise Ship
11:00-1:00 a.m.  Cruise New York Harbor
1:00 a.m.  Buses Return to Grand Hyatt Hotel

Monday, October 8, 2012

Hurray for e-mails and comments!

Keep up the practicing!!!!!
Thanks for all the e-mails and comments.
We want to be completely prepared for the concerts in November.  Hurray for you!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Okay all you awesome kids out there on's time to rev it up on learning our music for our upcoming performances!  So here's what we need to do:
                                            P   R   A   C   T   I   C   E   ? ! ? ! ? ! ?
I'm beginning to collect things for my "Bag of Awesomeness" - you remember the bag from our Kick-Off in August?  (the amazing dealy-boppers, treasures galore, the what-cha-ma-call-its)

You ask, "but Mrs. Swisher, how must I earn the chance to enter into the bag of awesomeness?"  
Enter a comment or e-mail Mrs. Swisher EACH time you practice the songs from the blog.  If you practice a lot, you enter a lot, but don't forget to comment or e-mail.

The drawings into the "Bag of Awesomeness" will take place at our morning rehearsal on Nov. 15.
Good luck my little computery-techno-talentgalorious singers.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

2013 ACDA National Honor Choirs

The auditions are now over.  The deadline was Sept. 30, 2012.
Audition recordings are currently being made for students wanting to participate in the ACDA National Honor Choir to be held in Dallas, TX on March 13-16.  All auditions need to be arranged by signing up on the Middle School music room door.
To audition you must:
  • complete application (see Mrs. LeDoux for this hand-out)
  • bring $40 check made out to Holland Hall - non-refundable
  • record student singing unaccompanied scales
  • record student singing "America" unaccompanied
  • and, (depending on age/voice) record student singing another art song
Mrs. LeDoux and Mrs. Swisher will make the recordings during the month of September.  The results from the ACDA National judges will be published in early December.

In the past, we've had numerous students represented from Holland Hall and were thrilled that so many students are excited about choir and this amazing opportunity!

Circle The State With Song Festival

The enrollment for this festival is now closed.  The deadline was Sept. 25, 2012
If you're student is interested in the CTSWS Choir Festival on Saturday January 26, 2013, please get a form from Mrs. LeDoux (MS Music Teacher) and turn in with a check for $44.55.  We can only bring 25 students from Holland Hall and were offering this opportunity on a first-come first-serve basis.  Please contact either Mrs. Swisher or Mrs. LeDoux for more information.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Tulsa Oratorio Chorus Concert Information

Concert November 17, 2012
First Baptist Church - 403 S. Cincinnati
7:00 p.m.

Combined efforts include Tulsa Oratorio Chorus, Tulsa Symphony Orchestra,
Holland Hall Middle School Honor Chorus, Tulsa Children's Chorus

  • Monday Nov. 5 7:00-8:15 p.m. (location TBA) ALL Choruses Adult & Children
  • Monday Nov. 12 7:00-8:15 p.m. (location TBA) ALL Choruses Adult & Children
Mandatory Rehearsals...
  • Tuesday Nov. 6  4:30-5:30 p.m.  (Asbury Methodist Church) Children's Choruses only
  • Friday Nov. 16  6:30-9:30 p.m. (First Baptist)

    Discount Tickets available----
    Also, TOC is making a very special ticket deal for our families.  Tickets are normally $20 each.  They will sell us tickets for $5 each.  All they ask is that for that price, if they could add our families' emails to their mailing list.  If any family is reluctant to do so, it is not required, but it would be most helpful to TOC to broaden its base of support in return for a large ticket reduction.  Here is the ticket process:
    Put request for number of tickets, a piece of paper with the family email (not required but would be most helpful to TOC), and a check for the number of tickets times $5/ ticket in a sealed envelope in Mrs. LeDoux's box, or on her desk, and label, "TOC tickets".  Once I receive their ticket order and the tickets are printed, I will put tickets in an envelope with the name of the family and either give them to the student or have them on my desk for pick up.


Carnegie Hall Schedule

Here's the newest information concerning the schedule of our rehearsals while we're in New York:
Wednesday, Nov 21  
 2:00-5:30 p.m.
Thursday, Nov 22  
3:30-6:30 p.m.
Friday, Nov 23  
9-12 p.m. 

2-5 p.m. dress rehearsal on stage (actual times may be adjusted)
7:00 p.m. Prelude Concert (City of Angels Community Chorus) 
8:00 p.m. Concert

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Let's Kick-Off the New School Year!

Saturday Aug. 25
Walter Arts Center - Choral Music Room

8:30 Donuts
9:00 Rehearsal
11:30 Lunch (grilled hot dogs provided by parents)
12:30 Rehearsal
1:30 Parent Meeting
2:00 dismissal

We're inviting a few 4th graders to "try us out" and see if they'd like to join us for the Tulsa Oratorio Concert on Nov. 17.  Come if you can - games and prizes too.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Keep those comments and/or e-mails coming

I know you're out there somewhere practicing..."how do I know that?" you're asking...well, you're posting comments or e-mailing me!  WONDERFUL!  Keep it up!

Also, if you're around next week...  (Tues July 10th & Thur July 12th from 10:30-11:30 a.m.) drop by the PS music room.  Mrs. LeDoux and I will be there to rehearse with anybody that can come. 
NYC and Tulsa, here we come!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Hey all you summer bums....just kidding!  I hope you're enjoying yourselves with camps, sleep-overs, vacations, and just plain lazy days.  HOWEVER, don't forget that you're going to Carnegie Hall soon and we've got to learn some MUSIC :)  I've only received three, yes I said THREE comments from kids that have practiced.  So, come on, let's get our game on and get to practicing.  Post some comments so I know you're out there.

Oh yeah, and here's the "head shots" of Mrs. LeDoux and I that we sent to the dude in NYC for the Carnegie Hall programs.  Thought you'd like to see them, or maybe not.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mass for the Children 5. Finale

Here's the final piece 5.  Finale (Dona Nobis Pacem)

It begins with soloist and we don't enter until 4:10.

It's a bit difficult to navigate through the music, but listen carefully for the children's part as you follow in your music.

Mass for the Children part 4

We don't sing on 4.  Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) until 3:05.  It's a lovely simple melody - you're gonna love it.

Mass for the Children part 3

Song 3.  Sanctus and Benedictus

We begin at 3:33 with 2-part harmony's, then 3-part....tricky, tricky.

Again....WAIT until 6:45 in the song to sing again on "Sanctus" 3-part harmony's.

Mass for the Children part 2. Gloria

Here on 2.  Gloria, we sing at the beginning.   Then we wait (tacet) until 1:45 in the music when we sing the "round". 

THEN.... we wait AGAIN for the soloists and adult choir to sing.  Fast-forward if you want to 7:05 to here the ending "Amen,  Amen."

Mass for the Children in 5 parts - Part 1....

This is a bit confusing, so hang in there with me....

We sing at the beginning of this piece 1.  Kyrie
However, we will wait for quite a long time before you sing 3:40 in three part harmony:  Soprano I, Soprano II, and Alto.  Listen carefully :)

The Last song for Hodie 5/6

Okay, here's the last piece that we sing on this work.
0:00 NARRATION:  Now When Jesus Was Born

ONWARD to 4/6 of Hodie

Here, you can listen to two songs...

begin at 0:00 for NARRATION:  And the Shepherds Returned

then on to 3:42 for NARRATION:  But Mary Kept All These Things

Part 3/6 of Hodie

Listen now to 0:00  of 3/6 excerpts.  Here is  NARRATION:  And There Were in the Same Country

AND again at 5:57 we sing a little more...

Hodie part 1 of 6

"This Day (Hodie)"
Listen to these selections along with your music, then leave a message to enter your name into a drawing for prizes.

Part 1/6  go to 3:43 in the selection for NARRATION:  Now the birth of Jesus Christ

Hodie part 2/6 And It Came to Pass

"Hodie"  Part 2/6
Listen to NARRATION:  And It Came to Pass in Those Days at 4:23

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What a joy!

It was a pleasure taking your children (MSHC) on our performance outing on Jan. 26.  We traveled to two local Senior Communities and met some fantastic folks.  Many friends we met had Holland Hall connections and were so happy to see the Holland Hall school represented so well.  There singing was fantastic and we're looking forward to more singing this Spring.
We're also gearing up for our big concerts in the fall of 2012.  We will be singing with the Tulsa Oratorio Chorus here in Tulsa and again in New York City at Carnegie Hall.  We're so pleased that so many families will be able to take advantage of this amazing opportunity.